Reading Through the Bible

Like many people, one of my recurring New Year’s resolutions is to read my Bible more. Specifically, I commit every year to read through the whole Bible by dedicating 20-30 minutes to reading it every day. The odd thing is that I have never actually kept up with this goal and completed it in exactly a year. I’m usually straggling a month or so behind by the end of the year and I’m working overtime to catch up. Are any of you with me?

With this in mind, I thought I would hold myself accountable by doing my reading out in the public eye. I will attempt to set a very firm schedule and I will go live on Facebook or YouTube and read the text for the day aloud. I will also make a few comments or observations about the text and pray.

I would invite you to join me. If you are reading along (or just listening) I would love to answer questions that you might have along the way. I plan on reading through chronologically using a reading plan from the English Standard Version. That will be my version of choice, but I may mix it up with other versions throughout the year.

This will be an experiment for me. Help to keep me accountable and join me on this journey through God’s Word.